شوق ..
هي.. كانت تخاف ان تترمل .. كل ليلة تسكر من ليالي حب عالقة بذاكرتها .. هي كانت في خلوتها تكتوي شوقا .. لا احد يواسي ليلها سوى نشرة الاخبار..
هي.. كانت تخاف ان تترمل .. كل ليلة تسكر من ليالي حب عالقة بذاكرتها .. هي كانت في خلوتها تكتوي شوقا .. لا احد يواسي ليلها سوى نشرة الاخبار..
ينفض عنه غبار تلك السهرة.. يرتدي سترته.. يبحر في ايامه.. لا شيء يقطع روتينه سوى وجهها الجميل .. و رائحه الخمره المنبعثة من فمها و هي توشوشه هل لي بكأس ثالثه؟
لاجلك اطفات شموع الكون .. اشعلت شمعة كانت تضي ليالي حبنا .. ادعو ربي و الخطايا اثقلت كاهلي .. لروجك السلام
شام.. يا شام.. يا أميرة حبي كيف ينسى غرامـه المجنون؟ أوقدي النار فالحديث طويل….. و طويل لمن نحب … الحنين
هل هيَ الليالي الممطرَة ، أم أنّهُ غيابُك ؟
أم أنّهَا سذاجَتي التي تدفعُني لانتظارِك . دونَ جَدوى ؟
فعًلا . ما سرّ هذا الحُزن الذي لا استطيعُ دفعَه ؟
ستظل بذاكرتي بقايا رجل عالق من الماضي و ستبقى أحلامنا كما وددت لها أن تكون .. لن تجاوز ظلال زعتر و ياسمين وطننا الضائع ..إذا ما أنت أغدقت باليأس أملنا كيف لي أن أتعلق برجل من سراب و كيف لحب أخرس أن يلج الصبح أواخره ..
حبك أدمى معصمي فما أنا بتاركتة و لا أنا بملاقيتك .. كعابر سبيل في صحراء الجنوب .. آه لو تعرف كم أعشق الجنوب .. أزهرت ربوع قلبي للقياك و اضمحل بعد رحيلك العمر كسجين حرية بوطني الضائع ..
صوتك ينقر ذاكرتي كل ليلة .. يقتلني الحنين و يحملني برفق الموت البطيء إلى لقائنا المشتهى .. هو لقاء رتبته كما تخيلناه سوية .. طقوس بسيطه .. اخترعها في مخيلتي كل ليلة ..
مقهى على شاطئ البحر،فنجان قهوة عربية بالهال .. هي دائما حاضرة في بعدك سوادها يؤنسني و في قربك .. هي ثالثنا ..
سألتك بالله لا تتركني .. و إني لعلى وعدي .. سأكتب إليك كل ليلة
For the first sight, people that have eradicated their countries’ regimes seem much freer. Having the right of more slogans, political parties and demonstrations does not often mean the great intended liberty although the reality may be totally the reverse.
By getting a look at the recent history, the term “New Middle East” was introduced to the world at 2006 within the project of redrawing the Middle East. That term was introduced by both Washington and Tel Aviv and confirmed by the Secretary Condoleezza Rice in a press conference: ”What we are seeing here is the birth pangs of a New Middle East and whatever we do we have to pushing forward to a New Middle East not going back to the old one”.
Her Speech was so decisive, serious and at the same time bizarre for the Arabic world who had never expected what is going to occur.
All Arab presidents’ behavior with their people was the same. I t seems like they were directed by a magic like pieces of chess on the broad.
Torturing was the heart of the old Arab regimes, it was more than a means used against people and especially against activists to keep them away from politics and weaken the political life. The public life was empty from any meaningful participation. For every dissent there were three places: the grave, the exile or the prison which is the best in comparison with the previous. And if you had it as a punishment, you must be lucky and thank your god for being alive.
Incarceration centers in the entire Arabic world were characterized by their locations in the desert where it is unbearable cold in winter and insupportable hotness in summer. Even the name of some prison still makes until now inwardly shiver like Burj Al-Roumi in Tunisia and Tadmor Al-Sahrawi in Syria..
I remember the roman of “Al-kawkaa” that I had read written by a Syrian man who has passed 11 years under torturing. And personally, many examples of torturing of some friends and cousins had crossed my mind while writing this special part.
The Arabic Grassroots were condemned for two pretexts, the liberty of religion (being Muslim) and the political opinion during more than half of century.
The revolution of every country was a logical consequence of this repressive strategy. It is just like a balloon on which you put pressure, and you are sure that any moment it is going to explode on your face. Tunisia was the first, then Libya and Egypt, Yemen the fourth, then Syria.
Geographically spoken, it is contagious!!
Where is the U.S in all this? For sure, this time it is not going to commit the same fault she did in Iraq. It is the wise and polite man singing: “Everything is gone be al right!!”
In the area of humanitarian contributions (intervention) and during the three years of revolutions, the most notable examples are the intervention of the U.N council, the UNICEF..
And here it is worth mentioning, the intervention of NATO-led military efforts by the UN council to oust a regime was proposed only in the case of Libya. Although for the Syrian situation, the U.N. secretary-General Ban Ki-moon warned in his speech on 18 September 2012 that there is “no military solution” to the Syrian conflict. This step shows an intelligent American tactic because the situation in Syrian is going to be lead to a civil war like the one which broke out in Lebanon in the late 1970s.
The U.S’s contribution wasn’t so decisive because it was clear from the beginning that the war is going to end automatically and without taking the trouble to another intervention.
Sectarianism was backed by the world powers America, China and Russia. Sunnites are supported by Arabia Saudi, Qatar, Turkey and America… Shiites which represent the governmental part are backed by Russia and china. And here we mention that Russia and China had vetoed resolutions against the president Basher Al-Assad for more than three times.
Going back to the previous revolutions, it is remarkable that the same scenario is happening in every country. A new political party appears in the political arena. It is the most deprived party during the previous decades: the Islamic party. An intern fight in each revolutionary country begins, between Islamic party and secularist parties. At the end, all these conflicts had finished with the first honest elections that each one of these countries had always dreamt about. A new “modern Islamic” government!!
Months earlier, no one was satisfied neither Egypt nor Tunisia. The problem was not the Islamic religion as it how right people were representing it.
Within all these intern fights, the Arab world or let’s say the Middle East is going to split as a normal consequence.
At the end, the Arabic Spring was just the first step toward the plan of “New Middle East” of the world powers U.S and Israel. And this does not seem strange if we take a look at the Zionist dream of Herzl Theodor to control the world and which had existed since 150 years.
Sondos Marzouki
23 Januar 2013
As the violence and conflict intensify in Syria, it is important to look over the reasons of these massacres. Since mid-March 2011, people in Syria influenced and encouraged by the other revolutions, had swept streets with limited demands in comparison with the other countries such as Tunisia, Libya and Egypt. The Syrian revolution was characterized with slogans of repairing the regime and never eradicating it.
This was due to the awareness of the Syrian people of the strategic location that occupies their country, despite the considerable efforts of Hafez Al-Assad to weaken the political life in Syria. And if they take a look at the history of the some Arab countries they will for sure take the lesson especially from the recent experiences of both Iraq and Lebanon. Syria was and stills the heart of the Middle East.
A few months earlier, the peaceful uprising of Daraa’ children was the most significant factor of turning this protest from a small-scale movement with limited demands to a large-scale uprising aiming to entirely eradicate the regime.
By March 2013, the third anniversary of the revolution is going to approach. Thousands people are killed with a rate of 114 martyrs per day referring to the Local coordination committees in Syria and the UN. Over 100.000 have been arrested and detained. Additionally, refugees in the neighbor’s countries such as turkey, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon reached more than one million.
As much as the people were intelligent and aware of the delicate situation of his country was the president Bashar Al-Assad insisting to hold on the government. And that remembers us the massacre against Hama committed by his father Hafez Al-Assad during the two years 1980 and 1981 and leaded by the Syrian Army which is one of the strongest and well-equipped Arab Army.
Inheriting its repressive tactics from the “blessed father”, Al-Assad was killing his people every day. He had reached a pitch of savagery unparalleled in the recent history of the Arab world even the regime of Al-Khadafy. He had led his home down a dark narrow tunnel, destined for an abyss.His only pretext was that all what was and still happening is due to an international and Arab conspiracy.
Day after day the situation is getting more and more complicated, especially on the humanitarian level. Two sides, the first one the governmental backed by the army which have been remained obedient to regime as well as the secret police and security forces. The second side is the dissent representing the majority of people which is establishing itself more deeply and extends itself more widely in Syria.
Between these two parts, we should point out the few modest humanitarian small organizations that have born. They are composed of a handful of Syrian citizens volunteering to save the life of many people in horrible conditions. A passive solution from the Arab League’s observer after signing a protocol with the Syrian government was to invite the UN Security Council in order to monitor and attest the cease-fire.
Nothing has changes, if not increased. Life in Syria was getting more and more difficult. And the situation of refugees began worst. Syrians are calling every day the whole people to rescue them but no one had the courage to go there.
Because of the political interests of the minorities, their life began as feather in the wind. From here, and as a securest in the Red Crescent, I sent an appeal for people around the world: Save Syria!!
By Sondos Marzouki
21 January 2013
Sources: www.therevoltingsyrian.com